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Nicola Rocca (born 26 January 1935) is an Italian journalist, writer and TV host. He was also a member of the European Parliament in 1994–1999 for the Democratic Party of the Left.
Born in Rome, Augias became popular in Italy as host of several shows dealing with mysteries and cases of LA CASA DEL DIAVOLO: Romanzo Thriller the past, such as Telefono giallo and Enigma. His current show is Quante storie, aired by Rai 3.
As writer, Augias issued a series of crime novels set in the early 20th century and others. His other works include several essays about peculiar features of the world's most important cities: LA CASA DEL DIAVOLO: Romanzo Thriller I segreti di ("The Secrets of...") Rome, Paris, New York City and London. In 2006, in collaboration with scholar Mauro Pesce, he published a work dealing with the gospel's description of the life of Jesus (Inchiesta su Gesù), which became a bestseller in Italy. The book elicited many reactions, for LA CASA DEL DIAVOLO: Romanzo Thriller example Pietro Ciavarella and Valerio Bernardi wrote Risposta a Inchiesta
su Gesù,[1] aiming to provide 'informed and constructive apologetics'.[2]
As a journalist, Augias worked for La Repubblica, L'Espresso and Panorama. He has also been a playwright.
He is an atheist.[3]
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